Leading with LAMA (WHY)
Leading by design, not by default.
LAMA Leadership supports leaders and organizations who look to:
Create healthy and innovative work cultures
Develop committed team members who excel and bring their best selves to their work
Inspire, spark creativity, foster growth, and maximize impact
Bring their best selves to work and lead by example
"The coaching process is helping me deconstruct and rebuild the way I see myself as a leader."
CEO, Tech Start-Up
"Tal's approach allows for me explore and address challenges that I am facing with my team in real-time."
Senior Director, Software Company
"This motivating and transformative experience helped me to articulate my professional aspirations."
Executive Administrator, Non-Profit Foundation
"Being coached helps me to hold myself accountable for my goals and has increased my confidence."
Artist, Influencer and College Student
“Becoming a leader is synonymous with becoming yourself.
It is precisely that simple, and it is also that difficult.”
~ Warren Bennis